Monday, January 11, 2010

WRITING PROMPT - Expect edits. Lots of them.

LAST UPDATE: 2/9/2010
HEY: I realized if you don't have a deviantart account, you won't be able to view some of these. A number of them have mature warnings, which are blocked from non-users.

A 31 step writing prompt. Links are to the completed prose/poetry/bullshit on my deviantart. Completion is a lie. The gist of it: two original characters. One is a little more wise to the world, the other is learning the hard way. Some pieces share the same title as their prompt, others do not. This type of mini flash-fiction moment was inspired by a close friend of mine. He's a very talented writer and I want to attempt to do his methods justice in my own musings. Let's hope for the best.

01. letter.
02. sticks and stones
03. birthday
04. immortal
05. circus
06. abandoned (1/14/2010)
07. nosebleed
08. father (1/13/2010)
09. sunrise (1/11/2010)
10. distraction
11. habit (2/9/2010)
12. fuck (1/12/2010)
13. love (1/12/2010)
14. waste
15. skinny (1/19/2010)
16. eyes
17. white noise
18. impulse (1/13/2010)
19. addiction
20. desecrate (1/14/2010)
21. death (1/17/2010)
22. low
23. heartbeat
24. first kiss (1/12/2010)
25. tomorrow
26. sweet (1/18/2010)
27. fog (or mist)
28. can't
29. village
30. time
31. forget

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